Solar Energy. Get it for $0 down, and SAVE MONEY


Disrupt & Decentralize


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Save Money with Solar

Going solar can dramatically reduce your electric bill and increase the value of your home substantially. It can also protect you against the rising cost of electricity you pay to the utility company.  Interest in alternative energy sources as a means to replace the electric company has grown over the years.  Just imagine not having to be concerned with the power outages, or rolling brown-outs that your neighbors and friends will still have to contend with.  And the money you save from not having to pay the electric company anything or considerably, less will pay for the equipment and installation costs very quickly. And then that becomes money in your pocket.


Make Money with Solar

You can earn an incredible income by sharing the good news about the $0 down energy shift to solar. It’s common knowledge that solar is the energy source of the future. Become a Powur Advocate to be a part of the this Revolution and earn a nice little income!  It is even possible to have the electric company pay you each month if you make more electricity than you use.  That’s because the electric company is required to purchase your excess electricity from you.

Help the Environment

The time for alternative energy sources is here.  The time couldn’t be better to switch to solar now with no upfront costs. It also helps the planet because burning fossil fuels to provide energy is dirty and harms the environment. Unlike solar which is clean, and renewable.  And with the increase in new technology, it has become less expensive!  Do your part now to help keep our planet safe and clean for the next generation.  Do your part now before it’s too late for our planet.